2019 Year 7 Enrolment and Scholarship information

2019 Year 7 Enrolment

Applications for 2019 close on Friday December 1, 2017.

If you are considering a Catholic education for your son, St Patrick’s College offers an education delivering academic excellence, a strong focus on social justice, sports, and the arts. Enrolments for 2019 Year 7 are now open and you are invited to submit your sons application.

A College prospectus can be downloaded from https://www.stpats.vic.edu.au/en/prospective-families/prospectus/

Applications for 2019 close on Friday December 1 with interviews to take place in March 2018.

Please contact the Registrar, Ms Caitlin Bennett for further information on 5331 1688.

Scholarships at St Patrick’s College -“ Friday July 7, 2017

Testing will take place for all registered students during the Term 2 holiday break on Friday July 7 from 10 am -1 pm.

St Patrick’s College offers the opportunity for all students excelling in their chosen field to consider applying for a scholarship. Categories include Academic Excellence, General Excellence, Art, Performing Arts, Music, Sport and Leadership. All categories have an academic component and all boys must sit a scholarship test conducted by the Australian Council for Educational Research.

Scholarship registration for 2018 close on Sunday July 2 at midnight. Registrations after this date will not be considered. To register your son for a Scholarship for Years 7, 10 and 11 for 2018 please click on the link below:

Payment is $93 and is payable at the time of registering.


All enquires to Caitlin Bennett at cbennett@stpats.vic.edu.au or phone 5322 4449.

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