
Soccer at St Patrick’s College has continued to go from strength to strength, evident in the number of participants each week in the BAS competition.

All soccer competitions, including junior, intermediate and senior begin in Term 2, with the senior program continuing through to term 3.

All soccer is played on a Wednesday after school.

Our senior teams compete against other Ballarat schools on a Wednesday, in a home and away based competition.

With the new facilities completed at Moreshead Park, soccer within the school is attracting more and more talented players.


2020 Soccer Tour to Scotland and England

During the 2020 Term 1 holidays St Patrick’s College is hosting a soccer tour to Scotland and England, led by Tour Manager Mr Andrew Agardy.
The tour will involve 20 students and up to three staff members. We are now inviting students to apply to join this tour.
2020 Senior School students wishing to apply for a spot on the tour must do so by answering the questions on the following page.
College staff then determine those who will be invited to join the tour.

Those wishing to attend must be available to travel between Wednesday, March 25, 2020 and Wednesday, April 8, 2020.

More information about the tour can be seen at this link.

A copy of the Student Selection Criteria for the tour can be seen at this link.