Wellbeing Report – May 15, 2015

May 13, 2015

Edmund Rice Day and Mother’s Day Mass & Breakfast

Two events last week reflected the heart of an Edmund Rice education at our college; one was Friday’s Mother’s Day Mass and breakfast, and the other was our College Mass for the Feast of Blessed Edmund Rice. Motherhood links these events. Edmund Rice had a particular devotion to Mary the Mother of Jesus, and this is reflected in every Edmund Rice school. Mary was and is a model of love and constancy, but not in a remote or merely symbolic way. She was a real mother, who in giving birth to her son would have wrapped him in love and hope, not then knowing

What would happen to him at the cross, dying with criminals. And through his life she loved him and was devoted to him, right until the end when she held his body, and afterwards, when she discovered he lived again.

Sons, and all children, need their mothers, who in loving them and teaching them to love are a reflection of God and a lesson in constant hope. Mothers will give infinite time to their children, as many mothers of the boys did in coming to Friday’s Mass, much to the open happiness of the boys to see their mothers there. As boys get older, they may be less obvious or open about the need for their mother’s presence and attention, but need it just as much in different ways. This is most starkly demonstrated when things go wrong for a boy, who in adolescence and youth can make poor choices and serious mistakes. Despite her frustrations, it is often the mother who is constant in her support and care throughout it all, because such love can never give up.

A story was told of a letter written by an Irish mother who delivered her recalcitrant son to -‘Mr Rice’ to be educated. It was a letter of deep gratitude from an old lady who had seen her son change, become educated and lead a successful life. Mothers entrust their sons to be educated and guided at an Edmund Rice school, and that is the mission we celebrated as a school last Tuesday on Edmund Rice Day. And in this mission we keep in mind and seek the prayer and intercession of Mary, the Mother of God, and model of motherly love. This is also something to be remembered last Sunday, when we celebrated Mother’s Day. A particular thank you to Fr Justin Driscoll for leading Tuesday’s Feast Day and Friday’s Mother’s Day Mass celebrations.

Finally, I am pleased to announce that the walkathon has raised approximately $43,000 which is an outstanding effort on behalf of the students. In particular, I would like to thank the Student Council who worked tirelessly to promote and encourage the students to raise at least the minimum of $40 each. Over the coming weeks boys will be acknowledged for their outstanding efforts in fundraising many whom donated significant amounts of money. These boys will be acknowledged at an upcoming assembly this term and the money raised will be handed to a number of worthwhile organisations next term at our annual social justice assembly.

Reschedule of Walkathon

As you are aware the walkathon was postponed on Edmund Rice Day due to the forecast of rain and hail.

The walkathon has already been undertaken by students in Years 7-9 this week and planned walks will occur next week for students in Years 10-12.

Students in Year 12 will undertake the walkathon on;

Monday 18 May during Sessions 4 & 5

Students in Year 10 & 11 will undertake the walkathon on;

Thursday 21 May during Sessions 4 & 5

Students are asked to bring their Sports Uniform on the day and will get changed prior to the walk.

Students will be supervised by College staff during the walk and students unable to participate will undertake private study in the KRC during this time.

To view the Rescheduled Walkathon Letter please click on this link

Cybersmart Outreach -“ Internet Safety Awareness Presentation

I draw your attention to the upcoming cybersmart parent presentation which will be held at St Patrick’s College on Monday June 1 at 7pm in the OCA Pavilion. This presentation is provided by the Australian Communications and Media Authority and includes a range of issues including:

-· The way young people use the internet and emerging technologies

-· Potential risks for young people online, such as cyberbullying, identity theft, inappropriate contact and exposure to inappropriate content

-· Tips to help children stay safe online

I would encourage all parents to consider attending this very important and informative evening. For further information about the presentation as well as booking details please refer to the ICT report contained in this edition of the Crest.


On an external level, there have been quite a few comments about the improved appearance of students lately, with most wearing the uniform well and with pride, including overall appearance and grooming. Thank you to parents for

supporting the school in this area, which may seem to be only about external appearances, but in fact carries over to taking greater care in other ways, including punctuality, application to work and general involvement in school life.

Best wishes for the week ahead.

Kind regards

Jon Franzin

Deputy Headmaster -“ Wellbeing