John Devlin
June 23, 2015
DEVLIN, John – – – – SPC 1897
DoB:- – 1883, Mount Egerton, VIC
Father:– – Daniel Devlin, born c1855 in Ireland, carpenter
Mother:– – Honora, nee Harrington, born c1855 in Daylesford, VIC
Service No:– 281
Rank:– – Private
Unit:- – 4th Machine Gun Battalion
John Devlin joined up at Black Boy Hill, WA, on 13 March 1916, a 30 year old railway employee who lived at Kalgoorlie. He was five feet nine inches tall, of ruddy complexion, blue eyes and brown hair, although it was noted that he was -‘bald on top’.
In mid-May 1916 Private Devlin embarked at Fremantle aboard the Surada, disembarking at Plymouth on 11 June. There is no information on his war file to indicate what he did or where he was stationed between June 1916 and October 1918.
On 2 October 1918 John Devlin proceeded overseas to France where he remained until April 1919. After returning to England on 8 April, he then proceeded back to Australia aboard the Bremen in July 1919. He was discharged from the AIF on 30 August 1919.
John Devlin settled in Fremantle and married Irene Mary White in 1919. They initially lived at 81 Cowle Street, Fremantle, but by 1937 had moved to 330 Charles Street, Perth. They remained at this address for the rest of their lives, and John continued to work for the railways.
John Devlin died on 11 November, 1964, aged 81. He was buried at Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth, WA.