Administration Report – November 5, 2015
November 4, 2015
Speech Night
This year’s Speech Night will be held once again at the magnificent Her Majesty’s Theatre on Wednesday November 18, commencing at 7.30pm sharp.-
Ticketing Arrangements
* Award recipients and their families will receive from the College Shop free tickets in the coming weeks.
* All Year 12 students are expected to attend and can contact the College Shop to obtain free tickets for the event. We encourage their families to attend with them.-
* All students, parents, siblings and friends of the College from all year levels are also most welcome to attend and are asked to contact the College Shop to receive their free tickets.-
All students attending Speech Night must be wearing full school uniform. Please ensure you are wearing long trousers and not shorts.
Students receiving an award will be required to attend a rehearsal on Wednesday, November 18. Year 12 boys should make their own way there. Year 7-11 boys will be transported by bus after Pastoral Care for rehearsals which will start at 9.15am.
Photographs for the award winners will also be taken during this rehearsal time.
Altered Bus Service Friday November 13
Due to a number of Government Schools taking Ballarat Show Day as a holiday on Friday November 13 there will be an altered bus service running.
To view the altered Ballarat Bus Schedule for the Bray interchange on Friday November 13- please- click on- this link
To view the altered Ballarat Bus Schedule for the East network on Friday November 13 please click on- this link
Senior School Exams
Year 11 (VCE Unit 2) exams commence on Friday November 6 and conclude on Friday November 13. Year 10 exams commence on Friday November 27 and conclude on Friday December 4. Any Year 10 student who is currently undertaking a Year 11 subject will need to refer to the Year 11 exam timetable for the exam time for that subject.
Please- click on this link– for a copy of- the Year 11- Examination timetable
Please click- on- this link – for a copy of the Year 10 Examination timetable
2016 Headstart program
The 2016 Headstart classes will run from Monday November 16 and conclude on Tuesday November 24. Students undertaking VCE Units 3 & 4 in 2016 are required to attend these classes and will receive their timetables prior to the starting date.