Information Technology Update – November 19, 2015

November 18, 2015

St Patricks Student 1:1 eLearning Strategy

The St Patrick’s College vision for eLearning is to provide technology-enriched learning opportunities that enable students to achieve high-quality learning outcomes, preparing them for further education, training and to live and work in a digital world. As was recently announced and discussed at the Parent ICT Information evening, for the first time all students at the College will be involved in a 1:1 ICT device program in 2016 and beyond.

The introduction of iPads into Years 7-9 in 2014 has proven to be an important element in the implementation of the initial phase of the College’s eLearning strategic plan. 2016 will see the next phase of the eLearning plan affected through an expansion of the 1:1 program into the Senior School. From 2016, each Year 10 boy will be required to have his own next generation notebook and to bring this device to classes each day. – As was announced in the recent letter sent to all Year 9 parents, to make this device as affordable as possible for parents, the College will administer a three-year lease. This Windows next generation notebook implementation will be phased in to the Senior School over a three year period. By the start of 2018 all Year 10, 11 and 12 students will be using a Windows based next generation notebook.

The decision to move from the iPad in Years 7-9 to a Windows-based notebook in the Senior School reflects the different learning needs of boys during their senior years. The convertible touchscreen notebook selected will support and further your son’s learning throughout his three years in the Senior School.

In 2016 Years 7, 8 and 9 students will continue to use the iPad as their 1:1 device. Year 10 students will use the Windows based next generation notebook which will be the first year of a three year phased implementation of the device into the Senior School. By the start of 2018 all Year 10, 11 and 12 students will be using a Windows based next generation notebook. As part of the phased implementation over three years, Year 11 and 12 students will be provided with a College owned iPad as their 1:1 device for 2016.

Return Year 9 iPads

As all current Year 9 students will be part of the Windows next generation notebook program in 2016, they will be required to return their College owned iPads on December 4. The iPads will be refreshed and used in other parts of the school. The boys have been told they need to return the iPad and the peripherals they were provided with at the start of the program in 2014. The peripherals need to be returned so that the College can effectively implement the iPads in other areas of the College. If the peripherals are not returned a replacement cost of the missing part will need to be charged. The peripherals that need to be returned and their replacement cost include:

  • iPad case with College Crest ($43)

  • iPad protective neoprene sleeve ($35)

  • iPad charging cable($30)

  • iPad wall charger$(30)

To enable use of the iPads in other parts of the College the boys have also been asked to ensure that when they hand in their iPads that they have also completed the following:

  • turned off -‘Find My iPad’

  • backed up any required files to iCloud

  • turned off their lock screen passcode

Please be assured that any apps purchased using a private Apple ID belong to that Apple ID for life.

Mark Holland

Director of ICT