KRC Update – November 19, 2015
November 18, 2015
KRC -“ Did you know?
Currently we have 4,944 unique fiction titles with multiple copies of many of the popular titles and 7,949 unique non-fiction titles. In the last financial year we loaned 17,410 fiction books and 4,986 non-fiction titles. The KRC is constantly updating our print collection and adding new eResources. – Our eResources are also extensively used with many offering multi- user access so more than one person can use the same resource at the same time.
With so many different options, we make sure that there is something that will interest everyone!
Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge
Congratulations to 7H and 7Z who were the two classes with the most students who successfully completed the Victorian Premiers’ Reading challenge. They recently enjoyed a pizza lunch as their reward for such great reading! Well done boys.