KRC Update – March 3, 2016

March 2, 2016

Resources for VCE

With all students studying VCE now in possession of an iPad it is timely to remind the community of the wonderful range of resources curated for VCE students by the KRC Team.

These may be accessed through the VCE Curriculum Resources website. VCE subjects have pages of links and resources recommended by ST Patrick’s subject teachers and the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA). There are specialist databases for Science and Humanities subjects. As well as several sites about issues in the media for students studying English.

General sites that are also useful include the online Encyclopedia Britannica as reliable source for research and BrainPop which provides video lessons, quizzes and games about a vast range of topics. ClickView contains our video collection and students can watch educational videos on their iPad.

The VCE Curriculum Resources website is sure to have something of value and interest for students studying VCE and now with an iPad in hand, it’s easily accessible.