Headmaster’s Message – November 23, 2017

November 22, 2017

Dear Parents, Carers, Friends, Staff and Students of St Patrick’s College,

As you will be aware, the College is in the process of reviewing its strategic goals for the next three years. As part of this review I have had the great pleasure of meeting with students this week across Years 7-11 to discuss their sense of areas for potential growth and development.-

This is in addition to a number of conversations with the entire staff around a similar theme.

As parents and carers of students who attend St Patrick’s College, your voice and input in this conversation to determine the directions of the school over the coming years is absolutely crucial to its authenticity.

In the last edition of the Crest, I had mentioned I intended to hold a Parent Information Evening on Tuesday, November 28 to provide an opportunity for parents and carers to participate. Unfortunately, with this time of the year being so busy, a number of parents and carers have indicated they would not be available on this evening. With this in mind, I have decided, given the importance of canvassing the voice of parents, to request your participation in a short survey.

This survey is structured to seek a response to two key questions in relation to the four dimensions of school improvement: Community, Learning and Teaching, Students, Learning and Teaching and Resources and Facilities. These questions are as follows:

  1. What are the areas of strength that we must continue to see flourish at St Patrick’s College into the future?

  2. What are the areas of future growth that require our attention?

I would ask parents and carers to consider completing this important survey which will help in chartering future directions at the College. Responses will need to finalised by Monday, December 4. It can be accessed here using the following link:


As we approach the final few weeks of school, we pray as a community for the gifts of patience, dedication and renewed levels of energy as students and teachers strive to finish assessments and prepare for their upcoming examinations. Let us always remember that, no matter how busy we are, each of us continue to be members of a community, a family, a friendship group.

I enclose the words of Pope Francis who reminds us:

-How beautiful it would be if each of you, every evening, could say: Today at school, at home, at work, guided by God, I showed a sign of love towards one of my friends, my parents, an older person! How beautiful!-

Have a great weekend.

John Crowley