Mission Report – February 15, 2018

February 14, 2018

We are now in the Season of Lent: that time in which we prepare to celebrate the joy of Easter. As with all -‘pre-season’ preparations, we are called to a richer discipline in our lives that helps us focus on what is truly important. At our liturgy on Wednesday, College Captain Sam Williams put it this way:-

Today, Ash Wednesday, marks the beginning of our Lenten journey, a journey that invites us to reflect upon the things that matter most; the things of the heart that lead us to fullness of life.-

Today we mark ourselves with the sign that reminds us, and proclaims to all whom we meet, that we believe Jesus is the source of all life.- In a moment we will come together to join in prayers and rituals that invite us into this sacred time.- As a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition, today is a very important today.

The ashes we will receive today remind us that our hearts, minds and hands must always be seeking a better way of living.- The life, teaching, death and Resurrection of Jesus are the great events that have gained for us eternal life. They are the events that underpin our Touchstones.

Let us start today in sacred silence.

When we are silent we are open to everything and everyone around us.

When we are silent we become attentive to the beauty of God’s creation.

When we are silent we are open to the constant voice of God’s love.

When we are silent we can find the courage to act for justice and in solidarity with the voiceless.

Our College Chaplain, Fr Anthony, reminded us that Pope Francis has declared this year to be The Year of Youth, with a special call to joy. With his usual insightful wisdom, Fr Anthony tied this theme with the theme of Lent.

  • The -‘J’ in joy stands for Jesus. In Lent we are called to prayer to deepen our friendship with Jesus, who is our loving God Incarnate.

  • The -‘O’ stands for Other. In Lent we are call to alms-giving to deepen our relationship with those in need.

  • The -‘Y’ stands for You.In Lent, we are called to fasting to deepen or relationship with ourselves, by nurturing self-discipline and restraint.

Finally, special mention must be made of Year 12 student, Oscar Grigg. With only twenty minutes to prepare when Plan A hit a hurdle, Oscar stepped in to sing the Psalm. His singing was so powerful and joyful that students broke into spontaneous applause. Though this is not normal liturgical practice, the joy we felt in response to Oscar’s gift to us could not be contained and needed some expression. May this Lent see many more spontaneous and unbounded responses to love, joy and generosity.