125th Anniversary Celebration – St Patrick’s Day,

February 15, 2018

The entire St Patrick’s College community is encouraged to join us on St Patrick’s Day, Saturday, March 17 for a day of activities to mark our 125th anniversary celebrations.

An afternoon of free activities is being planned and we’d love to have you involved.

Among the highlights on the day are:

  • Free family portrait sessions in the front garden. Between 2pm and 5pm professional photographer Jeremy Bannister will be available to take your portrait in the iconic front gardens of the College. You may wish to have a family portrait taken, or a father-son or mother-son photo, or even a photo of generations of Old Collegians, or any combination you like. Jeremy will take the photo you desire and then we’ll email hi-res versions to you at no charge at all;

  • A Mass in the College Chapel at 11am to celebrate St Patrick’s Day;

  • An exhibition football match on the Main Oval from 2pm against our old foes from Assumption College;

  • An exhibition rugby match on the Shed Oval at 3pm against the Melbourne Harlequins Under 18 team;

  • Between 2pm and 4.30pm -“ tours of the College every half hour led by current students, finishing in guided tours of our stunning new Boarding facility;

  • An archival display in the College Canteen area tracing the key moments in the 125-year history of the College; and

  • An Old Collegians all-inclusive luncheon in the OCA Pavilion from 12 noon to 2pm. Note that this is the only event which is not free. Tickets are $30 per head and are available at http://www.trybooking.com/TDGK

In the coming weeks we hope to be able to announce more activities for the day.

We hope to have as many members of our community as possible in attendance as a fun community event to help us celebrate this historic moment.

Should you have any questions about any of the events please don’t hesitate to contact Director of Community Development Mr Paul Nolan at pnolan@stpats.vic.edu.au