Senior School Report – August 23, 2018

August 23, 2018

Commiserations to our footballers, beaten by a very good team from St Bernard’s last Saturday.- They can be proud of their efforts on the day and on making yet another Herald Shield final.- I can congratulate Howard Clark on a wonderful 18 years as coach, he has been a marvellous mentor in more than football to so many boys over this time.- Our hopes now rest with the soccer.

We have continued to do some work with regard to increasing study routines for students.- Our Year 10’s should have made or tweaked their homework planner in the last fortnight.- Please encourage this at home if it has not yet happened.- Having these routines in place means that the effort is consistently applied, and this will increase growth and development.- Remember to praise the effort, not the results.

Unit 3/4 (Year 12 subjects) practice exams take place in the second week of the next holiday break, on the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.- All students doing a scored VCE are required to attend on these days.- Doing practice exams and learning from them is the single best way to improve your results.