Pastoral Care Report – November 1, 2018

October 31, 2018

Both educators and parents can benefit greatly from maintaining a currency of knowledge in regards to the wellbeing of our young people. One way this can be achieved, is through reading the latest research and/or ideas presented by leading professionals in the field of wellbeing and mental health.-

One such book is called -‘The Prince Boofhead Syndrome’, by leading psychologist, Dr Michael Carr-Gregg.- Dr Carr-Gregg was one of the founding members of the -‘National Coalition Against Bullying’, as well as founding the teenage cancer support group -‘Canteen’. He is also a board member of Project RockIt, Smiling Mind, Australian Psychological Society, and was also a board member for the Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre, which focused on the latest trends and technology in the area of mental health for young people.- He has authored 10 books, and his latest book, -‘The Prince Boofhead Syndrome’ focuses on the challenging task of raising teenage boys. It is a must-read of all parents and teachers, and provides practical advice on how to manage young men at this very crucial stage in their lives. It also provides warning signs and strategies for managing for a variety of mental health and wellbeing concerns that young men will experience.

Another book, which formed the basis of our mindfulness program at St Patrick’s College, is -‘The Happiness Trap’, written by Dr Russ Harris.- With over 350,000 copies sold worldwide, it is a vital resource for anyone who has experienced stress or anxiety in their lives. It is a practical guide on how to use mindfulness to reduce stress, to develop empathy and gratitude, and to work towards living a happy and fulfilling life.

Please follow the links below to purchase these important resources:

Keeping Safe: Information for- Parents

As part of St Patrick’s College mission to create a safe and secure learning environment for our students, it is crucial that our broader community of parents are well-informed with the latest information and research available, so we can work as partners to keep our students safe.- This week’s focus is to outline the fourth unit of the Keeping Safe curriculum: -‘Protective Strategies’.

For junior and middle school students, this component of the curriculum explores the idea of developing an independent life, by understanding factors in positive relationships and gaining and reviewing knowledge about abuse.- This is contextualised through students acquiring an insight as to how to respond in uncomfortable or unsafe situations. Students are given the opportunity to analyse situations and to explore alternative courses of action and consequences. More specifically, students discuss problem solving strategies and review their network of trusted people.- Senior school students further investigate the identification of situations where self-protection are needed, as well as gaining a comprehensive understanding of the importance of community in building a trusted network.

I would encourage you to maintain an open dialogue with your sons regarding the importance of continuing to build a network of trusted people in their lives.

Year Level- Wellbeing programs – Term 4

Please take note of the following wellbeing- programs occurring during term four:

  • Year 10 teachers please note -“ The Resilience Project sessions for students and parents in late November, will no longer be happening this year. Please update your calendars accordingly.

Kind regards

Mr Bradley Murray

Pastoral Care Coordinator