Headmaster’s Message – November 29, 2018

November 28, 2018

Dear Parents, Carers, Friends, Staff and Students of St Patrick’s College.

The end of another year is nearly upon us! Given that we enter our formal exam period next week, it is a crucial time to remind all students of the importance of maintaining high levels of organisation over this time. Students who have concerns about an examination are encouraged to make a time to speak with their teachers as a means of clarification. Parents are also encouraged to contact the College and speak to the appropriate staff member if there are any queries or concerns regarding next week. What is essential is that we want to support all boys to achieve their very best.

Last week, The College held the 2018 Valedictory Dinner in the College Pavilion. It was a wonderful evening which celebrated the journey and contributions of our graduating class of 2018.- Please click on- this linkto view- a copy of my address from the Valedictory Dinner for your reading.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish our families and students a very safe and happy Christmas and New Year. Time spent with family is so precious. It is a gift to be enjoyed. May God bless everyone and keep us all safe. I enclose a final reflection for all members of the St Patrick’s College community, taken from the words of Pope Francis in December 2017.

-Saint Paul invites us to prepare for the coming of the Lord by assuming three attitudes: constant joy, persevering prayer and continual thanksgiving,- the Pope said. -Joy, prayer and gratitude are three attitudes that prepare us to live Christmas in an authentic way.-

I look forward to another busy and enjoyable year in 2019!

Mr John Crowley