2021 Pastoral Care Program: Information for Parents

March 4, 2021

2021 Pastoral Care Program: Information for Parents

Elephant Ed. – Year 7 & 8 Students

Thank you for your support in the running of our sexual education program at Year 7 and 8, through the organization Elephant Ed. Student feedback was taken, and the responses were overwhelmingly positive, and it is our hope that this may result in conversations outside of school regarding our young men feeling empowered to develop and sustain respect for women.

Reading for parents

Both educators and parents can benefit greatly from maintaining a currency of knowledge in terms of the wellbeing of our young people. One way this can be achieved is through reading the latest research and/or ideas presented by leading professionals in the field of wellbeing and mental health.

One such book is called ‘The Prince Boofhead Syndrome’, by leading psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg.  Dr Carr-Gregg was one of the founding members of the ‘National Coalition Against Bullying’, as well as founding the teenage cancer support group ‘Canteen’. He is also a board member of Project RockIt, Smiling Mind, Australian Psychological Society, and was also a board member for the Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre, which focused on the latest trends and technology in the area of mental health for young people.  He has authored 10 books, and his book, ‘The Prince Boofhead Syndrome’ focuses on the challenging task of raising teenage boys. It is a must-read of all parents and teachers. It provides practical advice on how to manage young men at this very crucial stage in their lives. It also provides warning signs and strategies for managing for a variety of mental health and wellbeing concerns that young men will experience.

Another great book about the journey from boyhood to manhood is The Making of Men, by Dr Arne Rubinstein. The father of two boys draws on his thirty years of experience working with teenagers. He reveals what happens to boys during adolescence, and what can be done as a parent to help them on that journey towards adulthood.

Finally, a great reference book, which formed the basis of our mindfulness program at St Patrick’s College, is ‘The Happiness Trap’, written by Dr Russ Harris.  With over 350,000 copies sold worldwide, it is a vital resource for anyone who has experienced stress or anxiety in their lives. It is a practical guide on how to use mindfulness to reduce stress, to develop empathy and gratitude, and to work towards living a happy and fulfilling life.

Please follow the links below to purchase these important resources:





Please see below a list of all wellbeing events scheduled for 2021 – if a date is applicable to your son, can I please ask you to mark this in your calendars for future reference:

March 23Year 11 Men of Honour / A Day of Hope

  • Venue: Pavilion
  • 9am – 3.25pm (All day)

May 3  – Year 10 The Man Cave / Student workshops

  • Venue: Pavilion and various spaces across the campus
  • 9am – 3.25pm (All day)

JULY 26Year 7 and 8 Brainstorm Productions

  • Venue: Pavilion
  • Year 7 Session – 9am – 10.30am (Session 2&3)
  • Year 8 – 10.55am – 12.25pm (Session 4&5)

AUGUST 2Year 11 Carmen Road Safety

  • Venue: Pavilion
  • Student Session – 9am – 10.30pm (Session 2&3)

I would encourage all students and parents to fully engage and participate in all of our wellbeing programs on offer, as they are an integral element of our broader mission to educate the whole person.


Kind regards,

Bradley Murray

Pastoral Care Coordinator