2023 College Captain Sam Clark gave his first speech at the recent College Transfer of Leadership Assembly.
A copy of this speech is shared below.
“Good morning, staff, students, and invited guests. What an honour it is, to be able to stand before you, as College Captain for 2023.
Just standing here, I’ve got to say it’s a great view from up on this stage, when I look out into the crowd I see a culmination of fine young men, it’s an amazing feeling to be able to witness such a diverse group of boys, knowing that each and every one of you is contributing to our 130 year history , honestly you should all be very proud to be a part of the ‘paddy boys’ tradition.
Now I would say the whole cliché about how ‘I know you all are eager to get out to recess’ however, I do have some things I need and want to cover, so if I could just have your attention for the duration of this assembly, as it is my hope that all of you can get to know me a , get an insight into who I am and, learn what my hopes are for the College next year as your new College Captain.
First of all, I along with the incoming vice captains, Matt and Lachie, would like to take some time to congratulate and acknowledge the efforts of James, Isaac, and Zenon during 2022; taking on such a prestigious role is no easy feat, and as a part of the student body I can confidently say that we were all impressed by your ongoing commitment and sacrifice to lead the College whilst combatting the challenges and difficulties of Year 12.
Furthermore, the efforts of the entire SPC community cannot go unnoticed, I have seen immense improvements in behaviour, organisation, and overall respect. Yet, there is still room for improvement, and as a college we should continue to always strive to be the best possible version of ourselves both within and out of the school gates. This ultimately brings me to my goal for next year, it is not in my interest to change the College, because I do believe it is heading in a positive direction, however what I plan on doing, is building upon the foundation that has been laid by the captains before me. I would like to strengthen the culture by adding to events and making every student feel involved in some aspect. I hope that by the conclusion of 2023, every student in this room can say that they have interacted with those on the Student Council, bridging the gap between leadership and the rest of the student body.
I would also like to say that as a proud Djab Wurrung Man, and as the first ever Aboriginal college captain it will be my priority to strengthen the college’s commitment to the Reconciliation Action Plan, and the push to create a culturally safe environment for all people. Published just this year, the vision of our school RAP is to be a culturally safe, rich, and proud school, engaging in authentic change to cultivate learning opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and families.
I hope that as a result of this, more people from all backgrounds are drawn to enrolling into the College, and that St Patrick’s College can become a pioneer for all schools on how to create a truly inclusive climate that allows students to thrive in their own skin. As a current student, I challenge each of you to be open-hearted in enhancing your own understanding of our nation’s histories and current affairs, so that you can proactively be involved in true inclusivity and work towards a genuine reconciliation.
Lastly, I would like to applaud the efforts of Mr O’Connor, Mr Brodrick, and Mr McCrum for making this opportunity a reality, I’m sure that everyone on the Student Council is thankful of the work you put in and your patience during the election and interview period. I would also like to thank my fellow students and staff that shaped me into the person that I am today, and on a personal note, I would also like to acknowledge my parents, family, friends, and mentors who have also assisted in my development thus far and look forward to hopefully improving as a person and leader throughout the year.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish my best of luck to all the Year 12s with their final exams shortly, whilst also wishing my fellow students all the very best with their own exams, and for everyone to ensure that they make the most of every opportunity during the course of Term 4. Thank you all, and Ecka Dora!”