Michael (Mick) Purcell (SPC 1955-56)

Michael (Mick) Purcell.

We pass on our deepest sympathy to the family of Michael (Mick) Purcell (SPC 1955-56), who passed away peacefully on St Patrick’s Day (March 17, 2020), aged 76 years, in Maryborough after a short illness surrounded by his family.

Michael, or Mick to those who knew him well, was the dearly loved husband of Marilyn, much loved father of Glen, Melissa, Marcus and their families.

Mick attended SPC for First and Second Years (Year 7 and 8) as a day student from Learmonth before moving to Maryborough. Mick’s three grandsons, Josh, Sam and Oscar Farrington are current students at SPC and his family recounted that Mick took great pleasure in attending the SPC Fathers’ Day breakfasts and watching Josh and Sam competing in the Head of the Lake events.

Mick Purcell in his First Year class photo at SPC in 1955.

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