Maxwell (Max) Brandenburg (SPC 1944-47)

Max Brandenburg.

We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Maxwell (Max) Brandenburg (SPC 1944-47), who sadly died on January 7, 2021 and is survived by his loving wife Maureen of 65 years, and children Anthony (Tony) (SPC 1969-74), Michael (SPC 1974-79), Jane and families.

Max Brandenburg.

Max, aged 90, was grandfather to nine, including Old Collegians Tyler Brandenburg (SPC 2006-11), Eden Brandenburg (SPC 2010-15), Will Clark (SPC 2010-15), Tom Clark (SPC 2013-18) and James Clark (Year 11), a great grandfather to four and father-in-law to Howard Clark (current staff).

A celebration of Max’s life was held in the chapel at St Patrick’s College, where Max spent his school years and where, in later life, he proudly walked his grandchildren around the corridors of St Pat’s pointing himself out in the College’s various football and athletic team photographs adorning the walls.

Max was remembered in tributes by his former work colleagues at Massey Ferguson, where he worked for most of his life, and Mt Xavier Bowls Committee, where he was a founding member of the club and won many awards over the years.

Max Brandenburg pictured in his Leaving Class photo in the 1947 College Annual.
Max Brandenburg pictured in the 1947 First XVIII Football team photograph.

Max attended St Patrick’s for four years and completed his Leaving studies. He was a talented sportsman and was actively involved in many of SPC’s sporting programs, including football, cricket and athletics. Max was a member of the First XVIII Football Team and was described in the 1947 College Annual as having “all the qualifications of a class rover. Very fast and elusive. Ground play excellent and always kicks to advantage”. He was honoured and named as one of the Next Best Players for Football in the SPC Sports Prize List in 1947.

Max Brandenburg in the 1947 First XI Cricket Team.

Max was also a member of the Cricket First XI and was part of SPC’s Melbourne Combined Sports representative team in 1947. His passions at school were football and running, and he told his family on numerous occasions that the First XVIII Football side never lost a game during his time at the College!

After leaving school, Max gained a job at Cowley’s in the office as a bookkeeper and was there for many years before moving on to Massey Ferguson Farm Machinery as an accountant, becoming manager of the Ballarat branch and working there for 20 years before retiring.

Max Brandenburg pictured as a SPC representative in the Melbourne Combined Sports team in 1947.

Max married Maureen in the summer of 1950 after meeting on the Mt Xavier Golf course and it was the beginning of a lifelong love, three children and many cherished grandchildren. Max continued his love of sports, playing squash, golf and bowls, winning the Bowls Club Champion at Mt Xavier on an unprecedented 10 occasions as well as numerous golf events and remaining a loyal one-club supporter of Mt Xavier for his entire life. Max also enjoyed gardening, listening to records, family picnics at Kirks, Collingwood Football Club, playing cards, backyard cricket, church and his family remember Max lovingly as a good, humble, caring, kind and fair man. Rest in peace.

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