SPC grows together in Movember

Growing a mo to support mental health

By Pastoral Care Co-ordinator Mr Brad Murray

To continue the important discussions on men’s health at St Patrick’s College, this month, being the month of November, we will celebrate Movember.

Staff and senior students have been invited to participate and we’d love to garner further support from our parents and our Old Collegians.

Students in Year 10 and 11 can sign up and ‘grow a mo’. Students in Year 7, 8 and 9 will have an opportunity to formally participate later in the month.

I would also like to extend an invitation to all families in the St Pat’s community to participate. We have an official team for the St Patrick’s College community, which means we can pool the money raised towards this very important cause.

If you and your son would like to participate, please take note of the following steps:

  1. Log in or sign up at https://au.movember.com
  1. Search for, and join the ‘SPC BALLARAT’ team – which can be found at:

https://moteam.co/spc-ballarat  or  https://au.movember.com/team/2326458

  1. If you are a man (or Year 10 or 11 student) – grow a ‘mo’. If you are a lady you can still join the cause, and please have a read here to see how you can be involved:


  1. Encourage family and friends to donate / sponsor you – which can all be done online now, but you can also download donation forms as well, from the website
  1. Please encourage and start conversations about the importance of mental health with our boys!

For more information on our Pastoral Care program, please visit this link



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SPC Foundation

St Patrick’s College Foundation is supported by community donations, driving the expansion of its programs and facilities.

SPC Care

SPC Care supports students, families, staff, and Old Collegians during tough times like illness, accidents or unemployment.