Old Boys at 2019 SPC Careers Expo

Thanks to the many Old Collegians who braved the wintry conditions to attend the annual St Patrick’s College careers expo recently and passed on to current students some useful tips and pointers from their own areas of expertise.

These Old Boys included:

David Adams (SPC 2009-14) -“ accountant -“ Findex Australia

Torin Beattie (SPC 2012-16-, PY2017) -“ agricultural service technician -“ Cervus Equipment Australia

Xavier Sliwa (SPC 2010-11, PY2012) -“ LAME aircraft -“ Field Air Ballarat

Tyler Cassells (SPC 2014-17, PY2019) -“ bricklaying -“ D & J Cassells

Lieut Gordon Hutcheon (SPC 2005-10) -“ Defence Forces -“ Royal Australian Navy

LeRoy Hand- (SPC 1993-98) -“ chef -“ Techospitality

Michael Coutts (SPC 1969-73) -“ electrical -“ TJ Coutts Pty Ltd

Sam White (SPC 2014-16) -“ electrical apprentice -“ TJ Coutts Pty Ltd

Caleb McGrath (SPC 2008-13) -“ structural engineering -“ TGM Group

Hugh McGregor (SPC 2011-16) -“ insurance broker -“ Ballarat Insurance Brokers

Luke Prato (SPC 1998-2003) -“ insurance broker -“ Ballarat Insurance Brokers

Stephen King (SPC 1998-2003) -“ joiner -“ Ludbrook’s Joinery

Stephen McMahon (SPC 1986-91) – medicine -“ Notre Dame Medical School

David Morrison (SPC 1995-2000) -“ real estate -“ Ballarat Real Estate

Brendan Toohey (SPC 1976-81) -“ cancer research scientist -“ Fiona Elsey Cancer Research Institute

Joel Fitzgerald (SPC 2013-18) -“ Australian Catholic University

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