The College recently reconnected with Ryan Keating (SPC 1990-94, PY1995), pictured with his son Jack, who is in Year 7 at SPC,– who has been working for Victoria Police for the last 11 years. Ryan has been based in Melbourne (CBD, Footscray, Sunshine, Ararat and Ballarat) is currently a Sergeant, based at Melton Uniform.
Where has life taken you since leaving SPC?
Since leaving St Patrick’s, I have worked in a few different places, as well as living in Melbourne for three years before returning to Ballarat. I joined Victoria Police in 2008 to begin a new career. There were great challenges for me, having a young family, as well as learning to study again. But thankfully, I was able to pass the Academy and begin a career that I have wanted to do since I was young. I have been with my wife Simone for 21 years (which is frightening in itself). We have been married for 16 years. We have three children Jack, Samuel and Sophie. This year, Jack has begun his journey at St Patrick’s College in Year 7.
What are your fondest memories of your time at St Patrick’s College?
My favourite memories of being at St Patrick’s would be being able to undertake different things that I normally wouldn’t have undertaken outside of school. A good example was the cadet program. I was a part of the last year to undertake the cadet program. I learnt a lot of life skills when going out on camps, where you relied on your colleagues in relation to organising food as well being able to light a fire and having basic necessities. I also learnt how to read maps, which is a skill for which I now use in everyday life. We also learnt basic firearm training which assisted me in my career as a policeman.
Which teacher from your time at SPC had the greatest impact on you? Why?
I had a number of teachers that had an impact on my life.
* Mr Peter Farley, who was Year 10 Co-ordinator. Mr Farley taught the values of respect and discipline. Mr Farley was a wonderful man, who I know had an impact on a lot of students.
* Br Zoch, as a maths teacher. Br Zoch was a fantastic teacher, who helped me achieve high marks in Year 9 for mathematics. Br Zoch also ran the cadet program also.
* Mr Brett Anderson, was a science and physical education teacher. Mr Anderson was a fantastic communicator, as well as being an excellent teacher. I have had further contact with Mr Anderson through the Auskick program, where we often reminisced about our time at SPC.
* Gerard Ryan was my year 11 home room teacher. Mr Ryan was a fantastic teacher who would always assist you in anyway. I have also had further contact with Gerard since finishing school with involvement with football.
* Mrs Margaret Leahy was an excellent teacher who taught me the value of reading, grammar and comprehending what I am reading. Something I now do in my current occupation each day.
* Ms Colleen Pope was my science teacher in Year 9 and 10. She was very helpful for me when I was progressing through these years. She was excellent in teaching biology/human movement which has assisted me later on in life.
* Mr Peter McDonald was the career advisor in my time at St Patrick’s. Peter was a terrific help for me in relation to obtaining some great work experience opportunities. Peter was a genuine person who always had an open door for students.
How has your education shaped your professional life?
In my professional life, St Patrick’s has opened the doors in a lot of ways. When going for job interviews, you can see prospective employers see that you have attended St Patrick’s and because of its fine tradition; this has helped gain employment opportunities, especially in Victoria Police, where there are number of Old Boys currently working. My education at St Patrick’s also helped me in my professional life through the values of learning respect, responsibilities and self-discipline, which as you can imagine in any job, you get tested with each day.
How has your time at SPC shaped your personal values and your family life?
My personal values were shaped by St Patrick’s through respect, responsibility and discipline. St Patrick’s taught me that rewards come through hard work, which was a philosophy passed onto me by my parents. In terms of family life, there’s no greater challenge than being a parent. But using these core values of respect, responsibility and discipline, you can see the impact it can have on the next generation coming through.
If you could pass on one message to the students of today, what would it be?
Enjoy your time at the school as it goes very quick! In later years, you will look back at your time school and you will realise that the school will helped shape your life as you became an adult. I would like to mention also to the boys, something that was told to me when I was going through the school. There have been a number of fine men that have worn the uniform you now wear. Always remember to wear the uniform with pride and respect.