OCA President’s Column – 2018

What a year it has been for the OCA.

It has been a year of many memorable events culminating with the 125 anniversary dinner at the MCG. Whilst it has been a very busy year for the committee, we all enjoy doing what we can to keep Old Boys connected with each other and the College. Members of the committee chip in and assist where needed and take on responsibilities. Various members are connected to other committees within the College. – The Chris Yeung Foundation, the College Board and the College Foundation are all represented on the OCA committee

The second half of the year has been incredibly busy including a great 50-Year Reunion at the Lake View hotel in August. This reunion was organised by Chris Conway and John Coffey. It was a great show and was very well attended. It was the first time that many had seen each other since they left school. Fifty years is a long time!!

Another one of the highlights was the opening of the new boarding facility. What a change from when I was a boarder at SPC! No dormitory of 40 plus students in this new facility. Purpose built rooms with all facilities, shared with only one other person.- I was lucky enough to be invited to dinner one night.

I enjoyed a fantastic meal with the boarders, it was certainly quite a change from the type of meal I had 50 years ago. There is no doubt that the boarders at SPC today do indeed have a home away from home. I encourage any -Old Boy- who was a boarder to call into the College and have a look. It really is worth looking at and taking in the atmosphere of these 21st century living conditions.

Without a doubt the highlight of the year was the 125 Anniversary dinner at the MCG. That night was the culmination of planning since February. The OCA subcommittee of Paul Nolan, Michael Kearney, Dennis Foley, Daryl Teschendorf, David McMahon and myself worked methodically and tirelessly to put together what was a most memorable night. The positive comments received about the night have been overwhelming. This committee was supported by College staff members Rachel Bryant and Lorrie Liston. These two ladies’ attention to detail for the night was truly amazing.

The evening started off with Year 12 student Oscar Grigg singing -Be our Guest- – a most appropriate song from the College 2018 production of Beauty and the Beast. Oscar delighted the crowd with his singing and acting. What a future he has in the performing art world. The keynote speaker and the person to toast St Patrick’s College was Brother Bill Wilding who gave an extremely insightful and engaging address on the history of St Patrick’s College. Br Wilding, in the short time he had, was able to cover the history of SPC in a most engaging and illuminating fashion.

There was a comical routine by two students Jasper Magri and Jack Madigan. The induction of the -Young Achievers- Shaun Grigg (SPC 2001-06), Daniel Butler (SPC 2009-14), Daniel Rioli (SPC 2012-15) and Matthew Short (SPC 2008-13) was also a major highlight of the evening.- Prior to the induction though, there was an excellent speech given by 2018- School Captain Sam Williams. Sam was able to reflect poignantly about his time at SPC as he moves from being a student into the ranks of the -Old Boys-.

So as the year draws to an end I would like to thank all members of the committee for the support you have given me. It is really appreciated. I would also like to thank SPC Headmaster John Crowley and members of the staff who have also be so supportive of the OCA. I would like to also recognise Lorrie Liston, Rachel Bryant and Paul Nolan for all the assistance they have given the OCA committee throughout the year. I extend to all in the SPC community a happy and blessed Christmas and may the coming year be one filled with joy.

– Allan McKinnon (SPC 1966-69)

OCA President

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