2016 Legends Announced

The St Patrick’s College Old Collegians’ Association (SPC-OCA) will honour the exemplary work of two Old Collegians by inducting them as Legends at a gala dinner in May.

Prominent Australian cinematographer and four-time Australian Film Industry award winner David Parer will be honoured at the dinner alongside Joe (Desmond) Delaney AO,- a former president of the Mercy Hospital for Women Board and founding chair of the Caroline Chisholm Centre for Health Ethics.

Mr Parer (SPC 1962-64), an Emmy Award winner, spent two summers in 1970 and 1972 in Antarctica studying cosmic rays and, while there, filmed his first documentary. Since then his career has flourished and he has built his reputation filming wildlife in remote locations around the world including throughout Australia, the Galapagos, South America, Alaska, Antarctica and Papua New Guinea.

David has worked alongside renowned broadcaster and naturalist David Attenborough and his work has been broadcast on the BBC, National Geographic, the Discovery Channel, and countless other networks around the world.

In conjunction with his wife Elizabeth Parer-Cook, David has won more than 130 international awards including four Australian Film Industry awards for the best cinematography for a non-feature film. These awards were for Edge of the Cold (1978), Bird of the Thunder Woman (1980), Dragons of Galapagos (1998) and Island of the Vampire Birds (1999).

David’s programs have also won Emmy Awards for Outstanding News and Documentary Program Achievement for -Wolves of the Sea-, an Emmy for Editing and one for Music.

Joe Delaney (SPC 1943-44) was a Recipient of the Order of Australia (AO) in 2000. In his professional life Joe held various titles including being the Chief Engineer for the Victorian Transport Commission and the Director of the Melbourne Transportation Study in the 1960s, the Chief Transport Planner for the Commonwealth Bureau of Roads, the Director of the Victorian Coordination Council and the Director of Resources and Development for the Department of Premier and Cabinet. In retirement, Joe was the President of the Mercy Hospital For Women Board for 15 years, was the founding Chairperson of the Caroline Chisholm Centre for Health Ethics, was a Senator for the Australian Catholic University and chair of its Victorian Chapter and was also a member of the Historic Buildings Council of Victoria.

For the second time the College will also honour a Young Achiever of the Year. This year’s recipient will be emerging scientist Daniel Ferguson (SPC 2004-09) who, in 2015, formed part of a team of scientists at Monash University which made a significant breakthrough in cancer research and was published in medical journals across the globe.

Finally the College is delighted to announce that the recipient of the 2016 Facere et Docere (To Do and To Teach) award will be long time teacher, Year 10 co-ordinator and 1st XVIII coach Howard Clark. The Facere et Docere Award is presented annually to a current or former staff member in acknowledgement of excellence in teaching and College-related work.

Howard is most well-known as the coach of the College’s record-breaking football team, but is also well admired for his compassion and care of students and his work as an excellent teacher for boys at all levels.

SPC-OCA president Mr Michael Kearney said the Association was delighted to honour such prestigious former students and staff at its annual Legends Dinner.

-This is our undoubted highlight of the year, where we get to recognise the fantastic achievements of so many who have been affiliated with St Patrick’s College,- Mr Kearney said.

-This year’s inducted legends both worked tirelessly for decades to achieve excellence in their chosen fields and are true exemplars of our College’s aim to produce great men.

-It is also wonderful to be able to formally acknowledge the work of a younger Old Collegian in Daniel Ferguson who is already making his mark on the world stage in his chosen field and is carrying the St Patrick’s College name internationally.-

College Headmaster Mr John Crowley said he was delighted to be able to present a staff award to Howard Clark.

-Many know of Howard’s excellence in guiding our young men on the football field, but this acknowledgement is more about his excellence in guiding our boys through their academic endeavours as well,- Mr Crowley said.

-Howard is a great supporter of all aspects of College life and is a most worthy recipient of this honour.-

A gala dinner will be held in the College’s OCA Pavilion, overlooking the Main Oval, on Saturday May 7 to induct the new Legends. All-inclusive tickets for the dinner cost $70 for OCA Life Members (and $80 for non-members) and are available for sale at either https://www.stpats.vic.edu.au/en/old-collegians/upcoming-events/ or by contacting the College’s Development Office on 5331 1688 or emailing rbryant@stpats.vic.edu.au

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