The College reconnects with Aaron Lewicki (SPC 2005-10)– who credits his time at SPC for nurturing his passion to- continue helping others,- organising approximately 30 Edmund Rice Camps since finishing school.

Where has life taken you since leaving SPC?
Since SPC I have worked as an ABA Therapist with ‘Helping Hands Early Intervention Centre’ and also as a residential care worker for refugees with Mackillop Family Services. I have been a part of or ran approximately 30 Edmund Rice Camps since commencing my involvement at SPC.-
I have completed a Bachelor of Science (Zoology) at Monash University, and last year I commenced my Master of Secondary Teaching at the Graduate School of Education (Melbourne University).
This year I commenced work at St Kevin’s College, Toorak as a full-time staff member, teaching maths, science and ethics.
I coach the Senior boys’ thirds football team (commencing in Term 2) and assist and co-direct one of the school’s big bands (there are four in total).-
What are your favourite memories of your time at St Patrick’s College?
My favourite memories at SPC include the music program, heading to Brisbane to be involved in the music tours and competing in the swimming championships (undefeated for 32 years at the end of my time at SPC).- SPC encouraged me to be a well-rounded citizen and to take pride in my work and the work of those around me.-
Which teacher from your time at SPC had the greatest impact on you? Why?
The teacher with the greatest impact on myself was Mr Peter Hutchins. He showed great conviction in his teaching and his general behaviour management. He was respected by all students and had formidable content knowledge in the area of media.-
How has your education shaped your professional life?
My education at St Patrick’s specifically shaped my life as it led me through a life of acknowledgement of the work of Edmund Rice. It led me to participate in Edmund Rice camps which not only were responsible for my passion for working with children, but also for the jobs I was able to acquire.-
St Kevin’s, being family to SPC was an immediate fit for me as a teacher, having enjoyed SPC thoroughly.-
If you could pass on one message to the students of today, what would it be?
Take pride in who you are. Take pride in the school that you are lucky enough to attend. You are the young men of tomorrow who, although you don’t know it yet, will inspire colleagues, friends and family, as you humbly move through life, respectfully engaging with others. “Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth (and) nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune” – Max Erhman (The Desiderata).