Aaron Schultz to headline 2024 MENtal Brekky

Founder of The Outback Mind Foundation Aaron Schultz will headline this year’s Chris Yeung Fund MENtal Brekky.

Supported by St Patrick’s College, the 2024 MENtal Brekky will be held at the OCA Pavilion on Friday 18 October from 7am-8.30am.

Guest speaker Aaron Schultz.

Aaron will share his journey in establishing The Outback Mind Foundation (TOMF), which aims to empower men throughout regional Australia to live healthier, happier, more consciously connected lives.

The grass roots health promotion charity focuses on improving mental health outcomes for men, reducing the risk of domestic violence and educating young men around emotional wellbeing.

“Many regional men experience poor mental health and hold on to stuck emotions. What we know is men need education and space to learn to express our emotions and not simply suppress them,” says Aaron.

After more than 20 years of experience in managing male teams across the construction, mining and manufacturing industries, Aaron knows that there is a huge need to provide men in regional Australia with more mental health support.

“Forgiveness is the pathway for a man to reach his true potential.”

With a preventative approach to men’s health, The Outback Mind Foundation provides ongoing well-being solutions that aim to help men get in front of their physical, mental and emotional health.

“Comparison traps us, compassion sets us free.”

The Catholic Diocese of Ballarat Bishop’s Charitable Fund is a major sponsor of the brekky once again.

The MENtal Brekky, now in its eighth year, is a major fundraiser for the Chris Yeung Fund. It is proudly supported again this year by the Catholic Diocese of Ballarat Bishop’s Charitable Fund and G.J Gardner Homes.

Established in 2016, the Chris Yeung Fund aims to raise awareness of and provide financial assistance for families in the St Patrick’s College community where the father is suffering mental illness.

To date, the fund has provided fee relief for more than 20 students, ensuring they can remain enrolled at the College despite their financial hardship brought about by illness.

Chris Yeung was a Ballarat boy who attended St Patrick’s College, completing Year 12 in 1981. In his 20s, Chris developed a mental illness which manifested in periods of acute psychosis.

Chris battled his illness for decades but in 2015 he took his own life. Despite his illness, Chris was a qualified accountant and business owner, and much-loved son, father, partner, and brother.

Tickets for the 2024 MENtal Brekky cost $65 per person and can be purchased by clicking on this link here

If you would like to book a table, contact the College’s Alumni and Foundation Officer Lorrie Liston on 5322 4442 or email lliston@stpats.vic.edu.au


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