
Stay connected and informed about St Patrick’s College through our publications, celebrating our success and preserving the richness of our history.

The Crest

Our fortnightly newsletter keeping families up-to-date with College news and events, and important community notices.

The Shamrock

A biannual magazine produced by the College and its Old Collegians Association which celebrates student achievements, showcases College programs and initiatives, and shares news from Old Collegians making a difference worldwide.

Strategic Plan

Crafted to steer the St Patrick’s College community in its mission to provide an engaging, enjoyable and holistic education for boys that liberates them and leads them to a wisdom for life.

Reconciliation Action Plan

Our vision is to be a culturally safe, culturally rich, and culturally proud school, engaging in authentic change to cultivate learning opportunities for, with and about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and families.

Annual Report to the Community

This publication fulfills a legislative and regulatory requirement of all Victorian schools, offering a comprehensive overview of SPC’s operations. It provides a performance summary and outlines the College’s achievements and progress.


The College’s executive leadership team ensures students are given every opportunity to reach their potential.


We welcome all enrolment enquiries and applications from families ready to embrace the faith-filled ethos of the College.