Adrian McConnell (SPC 1954-57, PY1958)

Adrian McConnell with his SPC-themed 80th birthday cake in 2019.
Adrian McConnell during his surprise visit to SPC with his family to celebrate his 80th birthday.
Adrian’s winning photograph, Three Holy Boys.
Adrian still had his SPC hat, jumper and scarf from his school days.

We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Old Collegian Adrian McConnell (SPC 1954-57, PY1958) who passed away peacefully on April 1, 2022.
Adrian’s funeral was held on 8 April at St John Bosco’s Parish, in Niddrie.
Tributes and messages to the family can be left by clicking on this link here

Adrian was a boarder from Gisborne, starting in second year and completing his Leaving studies. During his time at SPC, Adrian was a member of the St Vincent de Paul Society and Our Lady Sodality. He was also a member of the Nunan House football premiership team in the 1955 Shed competition.
Adrian was also a member of the SPC Camera Club and won the 1955 competition with his photograph, entitled “Three Holy Boys”.
His daughter Sharon says her dad remembers his time at St Pat’s as the best years of his childhood as he made many friends, tried many sports and received a great education – which he valued more than anything.
“Dad certainly lived your mantra of ‘raising fine boys to the status of great men’,” says Sharon.
Adrian went on to become an accountant and undertook additional study to also become a financial planner.
He worked as an accountant in many organisations including senior accountant/adviser at Perpetual Trustees when he then ventured out into private enterprise to establish his own successful accounting/financial planning business for some 40 years.
Adrian is survived by his very supportive wife, Carmel. Together they had six children – three of whom are also accountant/financial advisers and have 15 grandchildren.
Adrian was much loved by his family and will be sorely missed by them all.
Adrian made a surprise visit back to the College in 2019 after his family organised a big celebration for Adrian’s 80th birthday. Adrian’s large extended family arranged a weekend back in Ballarat, surprising him with visits to several local landmarks, including St Patrick’s College. Adrian and his family were taken on a tour of the College where he once boarded, through the old corridors and classrooms, bringing back many happy memories.
Adrian still proudly possessed his old St Pat’s jumper, hat and scarf – and his birthday cake celebrated all his favourite things; St Patrick’s College (as a young man in uniform), lazy sleep in’s in bed and working on his laptop. It’s no surprise that Adrian absolutely loved his cake!
We extend our deepest condolences to Adrian’s wife Carmel, their children Sharon, Susan, Damien, Nicole, Brendan and Monica, and extended family.

Adrian McConnell pictured in his Leaving class photograph, in 1957.


Adrian McConnell, pictured in his Sodality of Our Lady class photograph in 1957.


Adrian McConnell, pictured in the Nunan premiership-winning team in the Shed Football competition in 1955.

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