The College recently reconnected with 2019 College Captain Aidan Hanrahan (SPC 2014-19), who is busy studying to be a doctor, and looks back on his time at SPC with great fondness, describing the time as full of great experiences and lifelong friendships.

Where has life taken you since leaving SPC?
Life has changed quite a lot since leaving SPC in 2019. I was incredibly fortunate to receive an offer from Monash University to study Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine, which I commenced in 2020 and am now in my fourth year.

During this time, I attempted to first move out to Mannix College, (the residential college at Monash University in 2020) only to be home four weeks later as lockdown forced Mannix to close and send us all home. I moved more successfully to Mannix College in 2021 and 2022, where I was incredibly lucky to be president of the Mannix College Student Society. During 2022, whilst living at Mannix College I commuted out to West Gippsland Hospital in Warragul to complete my medical placements throughout the year.
After a six-month stint completing my General Practice rotation and living in Castlemaine earlier this year, I am now living in Bendigo, currently completing my Obstetrics and Gynaecology placement at Bendigo Health.
Do you have family ties with SPC?
I have many family ties with SPC. My two older brothers Declan and Liam, as well as my dad Dominic, uncle Justin and grandfather Bryan all attended St Pat’s as well as many of my cousins and extended family also attending over the years and currently.
What are your fondest memories of your time at St Patrick’s College?

I am blessed with many fond memories of my time at St Patrick’s College, and the many great people I met along the way.
During my more junior years, I loved getting involved in various extra-curriculars including footy, tennis, swimming, rowing, debating, social justice – we are spoiled for choice at St Pat’s, and I can confidently say I had some of the best times in these programs.

Other highlights definitely include: India Tour in 2018, and Ireland Tour in 2019. Both of these were amazing, and I remember fondly the great groups of boys and staff we had on each of these trips.
Throughout my time at SPC, I have many great memories not particularly doing much at lunch, but having a terrific time doing it. Whether it was playing down ball or kicking the footy, I truly treasured being able to spend so much time with my mates. As life goes on and we travel to different places, it’s increasingly difficult to find times to do such a simple thing. Finally, I remember valedictory well. A fitting send-off to a great year.
Which teacher from your time at SPC had the greatest impact on you? Why?
There were multiple teachers that had a profound impact on me in so many ways, I wish I could name them all, but particularly: Howard Clark, Clare Kavanagh and, Steph Parsons (now Steph Young).
Clare Kavanagh taught me Year 8 science and saw something in me that at the time I didn’t see in myself. Howard Clark taught me not to waste the potential I had – metaphorically clipping me over the ears when I needed it most, this hugely influenced the man I am today. Steph Parsons taught me hard work pays off. She put in a power of work, developed my passion for biology, and a huge part of me becoming a doctor today I owe to her.
I owe all the teachers that supported me along the way a whole lot. I know I likely had some moments when I wasn’t always a pleasure to teach (particularly in the younger years), but I am truly grateful (and a lot more mature). I appreciate all the work that the staff at SPC put in to get me to where I am today.

How has your education shaped your professional life?
Above all the things I learned in the classroom, SPC taught me a lot about life and a lot about myself.
I believe that a strong foundation in Catholic Values, particularly love – service to others, is something that is still very important to me. SPC fostered this in me, and allowed me to flourish, particularly volunteering my time through the social justice program and in other facets, serving others.
In this way, it has hugely influenced my decision to become a doctor. My passion for service extends far beyond SPC, and I hope will continue to in my career.
How has your time at SPC shaped your personal values and your family life?

As above, I truly try to give of myself to others in everything I do. I am incredibly grateful for the village of people it took to raise me into the person I am today, and I believe that in giving ourselves to others we gain so much more back.
This lesson I really value from learning at St Pat’s and while I may never be perfect, it’s something that I try to live in my personal values and family life.
If you could pass on one message to the students of today, what would it be?
A great quote that resonates with me is “lost time will never be found again”, and I think this applies in many aspects of all of our lives, but particularly as a student at St Pat’s.
You only have a limited amount of time at St Pat’s. A limited number of lunch times spent with mates, limited number of times to ask that question, get involved in that program or take that risk. So do it. Do as many of them as you can. You’ve probably heard it once but it’s incredibly important to hear again, remember it, and take it in. Take up all the opportunities you can. St Pat’s can literally take you around Australia and around the world. I was incredibly fortunate in my experience at St Pat’s, but I could have done none of the things I did, if I never took those opportunities. Don’t miss them. Time is the most precious resource that we all have – use it wisely.
As always – Ecka Dora.