Alex Parker (SPC 2002-2007) – Where are they now

The College reconnects with Alex Parker (SPC 2002-2007) who has become a happy father of twins in recent times.


Alex with wife Mia and twins Blythe Rose and Kai Albert on February 19, 2019.


Where has life taken you since leaving SPC?

I commenced an Electrical Apprenticeship- in Ballarat in 2008 after completing Year 12. I completed the first three years of my apprenticeship working in the commercial and domestic environment. I then took on a new role for the final year of my apprenticeship carrying out commercial refrigeration electrical and commercial kitchen equipment repairs. Shortly after becoming qualified, I received the opportunity to relocate to Mount Isa Queensland to begin a role as an electrician for Mount Isa Mines in the Copper Concentrator. Whilst working at the Copper Concentrator, I worked shift work and was put through various training courses such as High Voltage Switching, Hazardous Areas electrical installation and Certificate 4 Instrumentation. I was rewarded for my commitment and became the 2IC and carried out various stints as Acting Supervisor for the electrical team in the Copper Concentrator. Whilst in Mount Isa, I was a member of the Rovers AFL Football Club and won back-to-back premierships in 2012 and 2013. I was also the club’s Vice President in 2013 and an assistant coach for the 2014 season. I was also an integral member of starting a basketball team which ended up winning multiple premierships and coached the girls team to a premiership. After three years in Mount Isa, my partner and I decided it was time to head back down to Victoria, closer to friends and family. My partner began studying Veterinary Nursing at the Gordon in Geelong and I got a job working for a leading commercial equipment company called ‘MOFFAT’ and was the Geelong and western region service technician. I worked for them for two years, and whilst in Geelong I became a qualified personal trainer. I love helping people to reach their potential in fitness and health goals! You can find me on social media! (instagram – @ap_personal_training or Facebook – AP Personal Training). My partner Mia and I recently relocated to Ballarat and I have taken on a new role at ESTA 000 Emergency call centre taking 000 police calls based at Mt Helen. I am enjoying this new challenging role and being able to assist the greater Victorian community in their time of need. I recently became engaged (to Mia-Rose Brigham) on November 12 2016 and we are now in full swing planning our wedding for March 2018.-


Which teacher from your time at SPC had the greatest impact on you? Why?

Mr- Howard Clark had the greatest impact on me. He taught me to be a respectful man. He genuinely cares about his students and gives you his utmost attention when you are- speaking with him. To this day, if I see him around he will always take time out of what he is doing to engage with you and see how you are going. He was an excellent teacher and football coach.- I will always appreciate the way he treated me as a student and look up to him.


What was your favourite college event?

There were probably a few events through my time at SPC that stood out. Coxing the 4th crew to the Ballarat Head of the Lake back in 2003. Playing football for SPC was a great privilege and being a part of the rowing cheer squad. The social gatherings with Loreto were always good fun! I met my now fiance Mia in year 7 at a Loreto Social gathering.-


How has your education at SPC shaped your professional life, – personal values and your family life?

I believe the things I learnt at SPC have put me in a good position to tackle life! I believe SPC was an integral part of the man that I am today and the studies I did in my time at SPC helped to guide me through my professional working life. The classes were engaging and the teachers assisted you to reach your full potential.


If you could pass on one message to the students of today, what would it be?

Enjoy your time at school. Time flies, so make the most of it. Engage in what you’re passionate about.-

Leave school with no regrets and keep in touch with your school friends when you finish at SPC. My best man for my wedding next year is Nathan Barnes (SPC 2002-2007). It goes to show that you can stay in touch with your friends from school, no matter where life takes you. The mateship and friendship you have with your school friends is far greater than any other friends you will ever make in your life!


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