We extend our deepest condolences to the extended family of Old Collegian Andrew David McBride (SPC 1987-92) who sadly passed away on 19 July 2024 after a courageous and long battle with lymphoma.

Andrew was a day student at SPC and completed his Year 7 through to Year 12 studies at SPC, winning an academic prize in media studies in his final year, and academic prizes in political studies and science in Year 11. He also showed an interest in hockey and drama throughout his school years.
With a life-held passion and dream to enter the world of journalism, Andrew headed to university but was excited to return to Ballarat in the early 1990s to begin a cadetship with The Ballarat Courier, where he enjoyed a 30-year plus career, becoming a highly-respected member of staff at ACM, publisher of The Courier.
Andrew distinguished himself as a reporter in his career and later became an accomplished senior member of the editorial production team.
He was remembered fondly by his employer, workmates and friends. Andrew’s compassion shone through in his work. He possessed a wealth of knowledge about journalism and was always happy to share this with others.
He was remembered in tributes for his commitment to mastheads and for the skill and professionalism he brought to his work.
He was the beloved eldest son of David and Julie McBride, brother of Matthew (SPC 1991-96) and Leanne, and devoted father of Callum (SPC 2018-22, PY2023) and Hamish (SPC 2019-2021, PY2026).
Andrew peacefully passed away after a brave battle with lymphoma and was involved in numerous world-first trials, and a stem-cell transplant earlier this year. He will be dearly missed.