The College reconnected with Old Collegian Angus Phasey (SPC 2012-16) who enjoys life in the Navy and was lucky enough to represent his ship HMAS Ballarat back in his hometown last year. Angus shares his life since leaving SPC and some of his fondest memories.

Where has life taken you since leaving SPC?

After St Pat’s, I went and studied ‘Game Design and Production’ at the Academe of Interactive Entertainment in Melbourne. I thoroughly enjoyed the studies but I left after 14 months.
I worked through multiple hospitality jobs over the years of 2016-2020.
I originally applied for the Army but when my intake wasn’t for another eight months, I decided to see what else was available and that’s when the Navy became an option.
In 2020 I joined the Royal Australian Navy as a Maritime Logistic Support Operations Sailor.
Over my career in the RAN, I have been a part of the Navy’s Covid Assist program which allowed me to stay in Melbourne for three months doing pathology testing on the public during the major lockdown in 2020-21.
In 2021, I posted to HMAS Sirius and served on her for 12 months. Over this time we completed one deployment to the South China Sea which lasted four months.
After HMAS Sirius, I worked at HMAS Stirling at the Sir James Stirling Mess and the Main Galley. At the Main Galley I worked as an accountant of sorts for nine months.
In 2023, I joined HMAS Ballarat and have been serving on her. On HMAS Ballarat I was lucky enough to travel back to the City of Ballarat and represent the ship and city again and this was a highlight of my career.
In my personal life, I met my fiancé Madi in Perth back in 2021 and we now have a daughter Juniper.
Do you have family ties with SPC?
Not really, my older brother (Dylan) graduated in 2013.
What are your fondest memories of your time at St Patrick’s College?
I have two. My first being the (Head of the Lake) Boat Week of 2016. It was such an experience that I will never forget. The second, playing on the First 6 team with all my mates.
How has your education shaped your professional life?
Yes, I wouldn’t say that the information in every lesson was particularly important but the way the teachers held themselves gave me something to aspire towards (even if at the time I thought otherwise). The comradery I shared with the students has also given me the ability to fit into any social situation I may enter.
If you could pass on one message to the students of today, what would it be?
School is only one part of your life, and in the moment, it is everything, but once you finish Year 12, you really begin to find yourself.
Take time to try as many things as you can and make sure you find what you like before you settle in. Life is a marathon not a sprint.