Annual catch-up for the Class of 1985

Chris Nolan with his framed photo.

In what seems to be the season for Class Reunions, the Class of 1985 met for their informal annual catch-up in Melbourne recently.
About 15 members of the Class of 1985 met throughout the afternoon and into the evening at the Emerald Hotel in south Melbourne in late May for their annual catch-up and shared a few laughs.
A highlight of the day was the presentation of a framed photo of the group’s first winning horse in a syndicate the group set up a number of years ago, to honorary captain Chris Nolan (SPC 1980-85). As you can tell, Chris was delighted with the gesture!
The Class of 1985 meets informally every year in Melbourne and the get-togethers are organised by Jeremy Sinicco (SPC 1981-85). For more information about future get-togethers, contact Jeremy via email at

Attending the Class of 1985 reunion recently, are Shane Meade, Mick Devlin, Craig Sharp, Anthony Costigan, Michael Hutt and Teresa Devlin; at front; Mary Nolan, Terry Carman, Chris Nolan and Jeremy Sinicco. Absent from photo: Chris Kavanagh and Paul Durbridge



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