Anthony Pearce (SPC 1988-93) – Where are they now

The College recently reconnected with Anthony Pearce (SPC 1988-93) who loved his time in the cadets at SPC, helping to nurture his interests and passions, and he is now Commander of Fire Rescue Victoria.


Anthony Pearce.

Where has life taken you since leaving SPC?

After school I completed an Advanced Certificate in Fire Technology. I became a Volunteer in CFA and really enjoyed this role. I worked in the summer fire crew for NRE (now FFMV) for several years and in-between seasons worked in the Petro-Chem industry in fire safety.
I moved from Ballarat to Werribee for several years. I became a professional firefighter in CFA, appointed in Ballarat and moved to Buninyong, where we still reside. I worked my way up becoming a Commander in the position as Officer in Charge of Ballarat City Fire Station. My employment has changed to Fire Rescue Victoria where I continue as a Commander.

I am married with two children.


Do you have family ties with SPC?

My older brother attended St Pat’s before me (mid-late 1980’s). My son attended St Pat’s (2013-2018).


What are your fondest memories of your time at St Patrick’s College?

I enjoyed the Cadet program. This gave me a solid foundation being in a military style organisation. This has stood me well in my chosen career which has para-military based structures. I enjoyed the opportunities to play sport at school. I continue to play hockey and often run into others I played with or against at school.

Anthony Peace was part of the 1st XI Hockey BPSA Premiership team in 1993.

Which teacher from your time at SPC had the greatest impact on you? Why?

There are none that stand out. I have had dealings with former Headmaster John Crowley during his time at St Pat’s. I have benefitted from John’s leadership and admire what he has done for the victims and survivors of historical child abuse.


Anthony Pearce, pictured in the Tennis Second IV BPSA Premiers team photograph, in 1993.

How has your education shaped your professional life?

I think all aspects of my education have affected my career in some way. Its simple things like having to wear a tie at school that played a part in my preparedness for my work. As mentioned, my involvement in Cadets played a big part in setting me up for my chosen career (it’s fair to say I can iron and shirt and polish my boots quite well).


How has your time at SPC shaped your personal values and your family life?

Being a large school, there are many different personalities that you are exposed too. This replicates life and teaches you many lessons on interacting and coping. Resilience is something is often talked about but does come from being challenged in life.


If you could pass on one message to the students of today, what would it be?

Education is important, but the real lessons in life come from getting out there and having a go. A firefighting job was always my career aspiration. I positioned myself in a way that enhanced my chances of achieving this. I have continued with further education to enhance my knowledge and improve my leadership. You never stop learning.

Anthony Pearce, pictured in his Year 12 class photograph, in 1993.

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