The College reconnects with Ash Collins (SPC 2000-05) who is working as the game intelligence manager at the Collingwood Football Club.

Where has life taken you since leaving SPC?
After finishing at SPC in 2005 I first started to study Occupational Therapy at Deakin university but after a semester there I realised that it was not for me, so I transferred into Human Movement (Applied Science, Psychology) now referred to as Exercise and Sports Science at the University of Ballarat (Fed Uni). After graduating at the end of 2009 I was fortunate enough to gain a position at the Brisbane Lions as a Performance Analyst, there I worked with the coaches of both the AFL and QAFL (now NEAFL) teams looking into game vision, GPS and different performances metrics. I was there for two seasons (2010-2011) until I was keen to return home to Victoria. The Collingwood Football Club had a position available as a Football Analyst and I am still there to this day. My current role is Game Intelligence Manager, where I work closely with all the coaches looking at our game style and trends in wider competition to hopefully gain an advantage going into each weekend. I am looking forward to 2018 and pushing deep into the finals.
What are your favourite memories of your time at St Patrick’s College?
I was heavily involved with the rowing program during my time at SPC. So most of my favourite memories come from times at rowing camps, time spent travelling to regattas (the lake was dry during our time so there was plenty of bus time), Head of the Lake regattas, watching the 1st XVIII win the Herald Sun Shield (yep there was a time when we didn’t win it so this was a big thing). However, the best memories come from the relationships that I formed while I was there. A number of my best mates and frienships that I still have today were created while attending SPC.
Which teacher from your time at SPC had the greatest impact on you? Why?
There were a number, but Jamie Lynn had the biggest impact on me. He never actually taught me while I attended the school however through his role as a rowing coach and Director of Rowing, he taught me plenty about myself, through his endless hard work and going above and beyond what was required. He is a great man.
How has your education shaped your professional life?
I wasn’t the most invested in my education while I was at SPC, I was much more interested in being outside playing sport. However looking back, SPC gave me the ability to continually learn and develop which has been key in my professional life.-
How has your time at SPC shaped your personal values and your family life?
My personal and professional values have been and continue to be developed through the experiences I have had throughout my life. My time at SPC gave me an understanding on the attitudes and behaviours that guide my way of life. These might not apparent to you right now, as they weren’t for me but as time goes by you’ll look back on your experiences and how they have shaped you.-
If you could pass on one message to the students of today, what would it be?
It’s alright to not know what you want to do when finishing your schooling. It took me until midway through my university to find where I wanted to be. So immerse yourself into as much as you can while at the College because it’s a pretty good place to be.