Bernard (Bernie) Duffy (SPC 1962-68)

Bernie Duffy.

We were saddened to learn of the passing of Old Collegian Bernard (Bernie) Duffy (SPC 1962-68), who passed away on 28 September 2023.

Bernie’s funeral was held on 11 October 2023 at Pat Cashins, in Ballarat. Bernie was a day student at SPC, coming from the Christian Brothers School in Drummond Street. He was a talented scholar and sportsman.

Bernie was a Prefect in his final two years, completed his second year matriculation and won a number of scholastic prizes during his time at SPC, including the Junior Government Scholarship. He was also captain of the First XI Cricket team and a member of the First XVIII Football.

Bernie, pictured in his second year matriculation class photograph, as published in the 1968 College Annual.

Bernie was a member of the First XVIII football team in both 1967 & 1968 and played in the centre. In the 1968 College Annual, Bernie was described as “the ideal centre player. He roamed far and wide for those long kicks to the forwards. Centre for BPS and gave outstanding displays against Monivae, Grammar School and in the Combined match against AGS”.

He was also remembered for his “good handball” and as “a very good team player with ability to deliver the ball well with either foot”.

Bernie, pictured in his Form 1 class photograph, as published in the 1962 College Annual.

Bernie was often named in the best player list, won the Under 15 football best and fairest award, drew the respect of his teammates and was regarded as “an equally inspiring player”.

Bernie was also the captain of the SPC First XI Cricket team in 1968 and held the unique record of captaining every age cricket team during his years at St Patrick’s. In cricket, Bernie was also regarded as a capable captain and a talented batsman and wicketkeeper.

After finishing schooling, Bernie became a respected publican owning and operating various venues in Ballarat and country Victoria.
We extend our condolences to Bernie’s extended family, including his partner Loretta, sister Maree and nephews Chris Torpy (SPC 1989-94), Stephen Torpy (SPC 1992-97), Peter Torpy (SPC 1996-2001) and Anthony Torpy (SPC 2000-05).

RIP Duff.

Bernie, pictured in the First XVIII Football team photograph in 1968. Bernie was also a member of the 1967 team.


Bernie, pictured in the BPS representative side, in 1968.


Bernie was also a member of the XI Cricket team, as pictured in the 1968 College Annual.


Bernie was a prefect in 1967, as pictured, and in 1968.


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