The College reconnects with former boarder Brian (Doc) Doherty (SPC 1960-65) who enjoyed SPC’s sports more than the classroom as well as a smoke behind the grandstand!

Where has life taken you to since SPC.
After leaving SPC I did a catering and hotel management course at William Angliss. I then managed the family hotel before working at GMH as a catering manager. I bought my first motel at Skenes Creek in 1978. We stayed there for seven years and moved to Wagga for five years. I returned to Melbourne in 1989 and owned and managed motels until I retired in 2006. Helen and I have three children and four grandchildren and have lived in Hawthorn for 30 years.
What are your favourite memories at St Patrick’s
Definitely not the classroom! Football, athletics, smoking behind the grandstand, a pie and a bottle of milk from the tuckshop before dinner every night. Some of my best friends today are guys I went to school with.
Which teacher at St Patrick’s had the greatest influence on you.
No one in particular, but I respected the job they did and benefited greatly from the discipline they imposed.
How has your education shaped your professional life?
The values taught at St Patrick’s taught me to be organised, honest in my business dealings and to respect other people.
How has time at SPC shaped your family life?
I learned to live with different personalities and respect other peoples’ point of view. I also learned to just be myself!!
If you could pass on one message to students of today
Play to your strengths! Don’t worry too much about academic results. Enjoy what you do career wise -“ I did. Maintain your friendships and treat others as you would like to be treated.