The College recently reconnected with Old Collegian Chris Milroy (SPC 2010-15) who is working as an occupational therapist at Austin Health and has fond memories of Head of the Lake, completing the Kokoda Trail and four square and soccer with his mates at lunchtime.

Where has life taken you since leaving SPC?
I finished school and elected to study in Bendigo before finding a graduate position with Austin Health in Melbourne.
What are your fondest memories of your time at St Patrick’s College?
There are lots of great memories of my time at SPC. The annual Head of the Lake, especially 2015 with St Pat’s winning the aggregate is a terrific memory. I also have great memories of completing the Kokoda Trail. Funnily enough some of my fondest memories are of four square and soccer with my mates at lunch time.

Which teacher from your time at SPC had the greatest impact on you? Why?
My Year 9 homeroom teacher Mr Van Bentum, VB for short. VB was a great support for us boys in Year 9 encouraging us to be ourselves but to find something to strive for. I still remember him completing the lap of the lake in his suit and dress shoes!
How has your education shaped your professional life?
It’s provided me with an opportunity to work with likeminded people about a career I am really passionate about.
If you could pass on one message to the students of today, what would it be?
Take every chance you can. It’s important that the students put themselves out there and find something they are truly passionate about whether that be in the arts, the different sports or media. I’m very grateful of the opportunities that were offered to me through my time at SPC. I would also encourage the students to enjoy the little things at school and build strong relationships that will last once you move onto the next chapter of their life.