Clinton Young (SPC 2003) – Where are they now

The College connects with Clinton Young (SPC 2003) who went on from playing in SPC 1st XVIII to playing for Hawthorn and Collingwood and is now a mentor and skills coach.


Clinton Young.


Where has life taken you since leaving SPC?-

I was very fortunate to play 11 years in the AFL for the Hawks and Pies. Since retiring at the end of 2015, I am now a Mentor and Skills Coach with the Simon Black Australian Rules Academy in Melbourne. I have been living in Gisborne since 2015.


What are your favourite memories of your time at St Patrick’s College?-

The friendships I made with so many people. Boarders, class mates, football teammates, teachers, everybody was very welcoming. Arriving as a shy country boy- just for Year 12 as a 16 year-old,- I look back and think it was the year in which I developed and grew as a person the most.


Which teacher from your time at SPC had the greatest impact on you? Why?

Although not a teacher, Mark Waddington was overseeing boarding in 2003, and he was very supportive and made the greatest impact for me. He gave me the opportunity to be boarding supervisor in 2014 when I had another season to go with the North Ballarat Rebels. Howard Clark was also someone who was an inspiration for me- and gave me great confidence when I played for the school.


How has your education shaped your professional life?

Admittedly my education at St Patrick’s- hasn’t been the most important thing regarding my professional life, but I think the overall experience and becoming more independent as a teenager was.


How has your time at SPC shaped your personal values and your family life?

It taught me a lot about having opportunities, but it’s what you do with these opportunities and how much you want to achieve something with this and not to- be just- satisfied about reaching a certain level. I think the mateship lessons I learnt at St Patrick’s helped me- realise the people around you can influence and motivate you throughout your journey and it’s about cherishing these people and their support.


If you could pass on one message to the students of today, what would it be?

I think it is important- to make sure you enjoy every day, as simple as that sounds, because so many people go to school with a negative mindset and keep to themselves a lot or complain about little things. It is a great time of your life, one that you don’t realise until it ends all of a sudden, and if you- embrace everything and set yourself goals, great opportunities will come your way.

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