Where are they now – Stephen Bigarelli (SPC 1970-75)

Where are they now – Paul McCulloch (SPC 1954-57)

Where are they now – Mark McKay (SPC 1991-94, PY1996)

Rupert Cheong revisits SPC

Peter Kerwan (former staff)

Barry McGenniss (SPC 1945-52)

Michael O’Beirne (SPC 1947-52) & James O’Beirne (SPC 1950-54)

Mark O’Toole (SPC 1970-75)

Frank Riches (SPC 1943-44, PY1946)

John Hogan (SPC 1940-42, PY1944)

Jim McCulloch (SPC 1953-59, PY1960)

Gerard Watson (SPC 1957-1964, PY1966)

SPC Foundation

St Patrick’s College Foundation is supported by community donations, driving the expansion of its programs and facilities.

SPC Care

SPC Care supports students, families, staff, and Old Collegians during tough times like illness, accidents or unemployment.