The College recently reconnected with Old Collegian Dominic Appi (SPC 1980-84, PY1985), who discovered a new world as a boarder from the tiny South Pacific Island of Nauru, discovering snow for the first time in Ballarat and returning to his island home where he now works in the media.
Where has life taken you since leaving SPC?
Life has taken me to some amazing places in the world since I left SPC, but I regret to say I have not travelled to Victoria and Ballarat (SPC) since. I did my tertiary education in Fiji (Fiji Institute of Technology), now known as Fiji National University. My work in the Media has taken me to Fiji, Solomon Islands, Brisbane, Canberra (cold like Ballarat) and New Delhi, India.
Do you have family ties with SPC?
SPC and everyone associated with it are my family, but yes, my uncle, the late Vollmer Appi attended SPC in the 1960’s and when I got my Nauru Government Scholarship in 1979, he sent me to SPC in 1980 (the good old days).
What are your fondest memories of your time at St Patrick’s College?
There are so many amazing memories that I treasure. I was in Year 9 and in the dorm, I was looked after by Br Zoch. I woke up one morning and it was snowing outside. It was before wake-up time but most of just got out of bed and went out to play in the snow in our pyjamas and night gown. It was the first time for me to see and feel snow. The Friday night activities for us boarders were fantastic. These ranged from basketball games in the school gym, visiting the ice rink, barbecue at the lake and lots more. The Head of the Lake sporting event is pretty cool too and St Patrick’s Day celebration is one to look forward to each year because for us boarders the meal was special.
Which teacher from your time at SPC had the greatest impact on you? Why?
There were many great teachers and educators that I came across at SPC, but I think my class teacher in Year 7, the late Mr (Michael) Brady comes to mind because it was difficult for me in 1980 being my first year in a new environment, new friends, big school and country. When I look back, Mr Brady sort of steered me in the right direction every time I wandered, even though I got punished once or twice.
How has your education shaped your professional life?
SPC is known for developing and nurturing not only great athletes and great minds but it also continues to develop great leaders. In this regard, SPC has taught me and instilled in me fantastic leadership qualities.
How has your time at SPC shaped your personal values and your family life?
SPC is loaded with history, culture and religion. SPC is a diverse ethnic institution and understanding another person’s culture, religion, and ethnic background is very crucial in our society today if we are to live together in peace and harmony.
If you could pass on one message to the students of today, what would it be?
Enjoy what life offers, learn from your mistakes and fulfil your dreams.