Our Old Collegians have been celebrating some exciting news, including:

- Congratulations to Ryan Bullock (current staff) and his fiancé Michaela on their recent engagement. We are happy to hear that a very surprised Michaela said yes!
- Congratulations to Jacinta Reidy (current staff) and husband Peter on the safe arrival of a baby boy, Mason George Eyre on June 27, just in time for the school holidays, weighing in at 9 pounds, with a full head or hair, happy and healthy. Jacinta indicated the family were going well with this new chapter of their lives and Mason has already had lots of video calls with family!
Mason Reidy, born to teacher Jacinta Reidy and husband Peter. - Congratulations to Ben Martin (SPC 2009-14) and Katherine Clegg (current staff) who are expecting a baby brother or sister for Hazel.
- Scott Baker (SPC 1996-2001) and wife Hana and big sister Honora are so excited to announce the much-awaited arrival of Seth David Baker born on May 13.

We would love to share all your exciting news – maybe you are newly engaged, have recently married, a new baby has arrived in the family, or you have celebrated a milestone wedding anniversary – please let us know by emailing us at oca@stpats.vic.edu.au