Our SPC community has plenty of exciting news to share:
Congratulations to Martin Healy (SPC 1981-86) and Natasha Brookes, who announced their engagement recently.
Congratulations to Oliver Yeung (SPC 2005-10) and Cassie Mason, who announced their engagement recently.
Mick Ranger (SPC 1995-2000), pictured above,– and wife Renae welcomed the arrival of Jack David on November 1, weighing 7lbs 4oz, and is baby brother to Ruby, Grace, and Charlie.
Steve Allen (SPC 1997-2002) and wife Mell and big sister Evie were thrilled to announce the much anticipated arrival of Charlie Leo on November 2, weighing 10lb 2oz at the Epworth Freemasons Hospital.
Josh Kannourakis (SPC 1999-2004) and wife Laura and little sister Adeline are delighted to announce the safe arrival of Oliver Charles on November 28 in Sydney.
Please contact the College’s Alumni and Foundation Officer Lorrie Liston on 5322 4442 or email lliston@stpats.vic.edu.au if you have some exciting news that you would like to share for future inclusion in the e-newsletter.