Our Old Collegians enjoyed a hearty lunch and good company together at the mid-year SPC OCA Winter Warmers Lunch at the Golden City Hotel in Ballarat last Friday 28 July.

It was great to welcome many new faces alongside our regular attendees. College Principal Steven O’Connor provided an update on College activities, while the College’s Head of Sport Jason Lappin gave insight into the current SPC Football program, including our progress in the ACC & BAS competitions this year.
We thank Allan McKinnon (SPC 1966-69) for representing the OCA committee and especially Dennis Foley (SPC 1967-72), who was our MC for the day, and entertained the crowd with roving interviews with several Old Collegians.

These OCA Lunches are open to all Old Collegians, especially those who may now be retired and/or enjoy the opportunity to get together in a friendly, informal setting.
The next OCA Lunch will be held later in the year, and if you would like to know more details or ensure you are on the mailing list, please email oca@stpats.vic.edu.au