A great crowd came together for the Paddies Spring Seasonal Lunch at The Emerald Hotel in south Melbourne for the first Friday of Spring last week.
Old Collegians from across the eras enjoyed the seasonal lunch, including three first-timers and a noisy, fun-filled and jovial afternoon was enjoyed by all.
The group raised their glasses in memory of fellow Old Boy and past lunch attendee Peter Dockendorff (SPC 1965-68) who passed away recently. Fellow classmate Peter Finn (SPC 1966-67, PY1968) sent through a short story of an adventure he had with Dock as 17-year-old young man, which was read to the lunch goers. These memories are included in our tribute to Peter Dockendorff, which you can read here
The next lunch will herald in the start of summer and will be held on Friday 6 December.
If you are interested in attending the next lunch, please contact Old Collegians Noel Sheehan (SPC 1964-70) via email at noel@stafforgserv.com.au or phone 0418 509 809 or Michael Dowd (SPC 1964-69) via email at mjdowd@hotmail.com or phone 0407 680 682.