Fond farewell to long-serving staff member Glenis Kydd

Long-serving SPC staff member Glenis Kydd.

After 21 years distinguished service to the St Pat’s community, tomorrow marks Glenis Kydd’s last day at the College.

Glenis started her time at St Pat’s working in the library before moving into Student Services and then to her present-day role in reception.
Every boy who has studied at St Pat’s over the last 21 years would remember Glenis.
When you started in St Pat’s in the Junior School years, Glenis was always someone you would approach at the front desk with trepidation for fear of being called out for your tie being out of place or shirt not tucked in.
By the time you reached Senior School, you had figured out that Glenis really was a big “softie’” who took a genuine interest in every student that stepped through the front doors at SPC.
When asked how she stayed in the role for so long, for Glenis, the answer was immediate.
“The boys, that’s why you do it”, she said.
“Once they leave St Pat’s I love seeing what they’re up to and love reading about them in the paper, especially the cheeky ones”.
In her time at St Pat’s Glenis has never been inhibited by a title or position description. Many a day you will find her helping in the canteen, over in the uniform shop or just picking up rubbish in the yard.
“I just love doing anything to help”, Glenis said.
So what will Glenis do in retirement?
“I want to spend more time with my grandchildren. I have 6 grandchildren, the oldest of which has just started here at St Pat’s.”
“I will be part of the school community for at least another 13 years” said Glenis with that distinctive smile.
Glenis also has some travel planned, some gardening and a lot of friends and family to catch up with. Just don’t ask Glenis to play bowls!
“They will try and talk me into bowls, but that’s for old people!” Glenis said.
Over the last week, a steady stream of visitors has flowed through the doors at reception, some to present Glenis with flowers, some just wanting to say goodbye.
But for all of us at St Patrick’s College, we know it’s not goodbye. Glenis is part of the furniture here at SPC and with a strong family connection at the school, we will be sure to see her again soon.
Thank you, Glenis.

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