Fr Dan Arundell (SPC 1945-48) – Where are they now

The College recently reconnected with Fr Dan Arundell (SPC 1945-48), a former boarder who was at SPC during World War II and went on to become a well-loved priest. Fr Dan recalls some of his memories and classmates from his time at school.

Fr Dan Arundell.

“I attended SPC from 1945-48. The second World War battles were still being fought. The Army occupied Victoria Park. Most of the boarders were from country towns. We identified ourselves by nominating our home town, eg, Duck Walsh (Beulah), Pug Conway (Hopetoun), Frank Drum (Banyena), Biddy Nolen (Tocumwal), John Mertz (Moulamein), Con Glennen (Noorat), Kevin Sinnot (Camerdown), Jim O’Sullivan (Coragulac) etc.

“Because of war-time regulations we all had coupon books and Identity Cards.

“Three Christian Brothers dominated the scene in those days – Brs Tom Mullen, Bill O’Malley and Jack Healy – mighty men.

“Sport was important in those days. The 1947-48 era boasted of seven Old Boys who made the final list of VFL teams, including two Victorian guernesys (Vin Williams and Les Mogg). In that era, we also had two lads in the Under 16 team, namely John James and Brian Gleeson – Brownlow Medal winners.

“Quite a number of us went on to the priesthood. Jim Shaw became a notable surgeon at St Vincent, Dave Bourke and Geoff Torney became top administrators in the Racing World, along with many others notable for their contributions in many different fields.

“I was ordained in 1956 and have served in many different parishes in Western Victoria for the past 62 years. In most parishes, I met up with old comrades from boarding school days. Invariably they were men of faith, good leaders in the forefront in parish activities, eg John James (Robinvale), Pearce Derhan (Swan Hill), Jack Clancy and Chris Haintz (Ballarat North), Kevin Sinnot (Camperdown), John Younis (Timboon), Reg McVilly (Simpson) etc.

“I am now retired. I continue with a regular role in the Cathedral Parish.”

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