We recently reconnected with Old Collegian Fr Gerry Prunty (SPC 1963-70), who has kindly permitted the College to share his story, which was published in a reunion book produced by the Class of 1970 in readiness for their 50-Year Reunion, which has been repeatedly rescheduled over the past two years due to COVID. We are now looking forward to hosting their reunion on Sunday 22 October 2022.
Status at SPC: Day Student
Family Situation: Solo. see next question!
Current Occupation: Catholic Priest
Post Secondary Education: I attended Corpus Christi Seminary at Werribee and Clayton. From 1979, I have lived and worked in 11 different parishes around the Ballarat Diocese from Mildura to Apollo Bay and in between. Lots of highs and lows in Church life and the challenges faced in rural areas of the state.
Personal History: Most things revolve around different places lived in such as football clubs, golf bowls etc always keeping on Geelong FC and getting to games when possible. Moving around western Victoria I continually run into St Pat’s Old Boys.
Best Memory of St Patrick’s: I actually started in 1963 in Grade 6. Coming from the village of Clarendon was one of the special class of Bus Boys or as Bill O’Malley called “Dirty Laro Bus Boys”. Most of us 9 to 3.30 students missing a lot of after school stuff. Met lots of good people, some friends for life.