Hidden gem unveiled in Sir Bernard Heinze Theatre

The refurbished Sir Bernard Heinze Theatre.

For decades, the area known as the Sir Bernard Heinze Theatre, or the old boarder’s cinema, has occupied a central area of St Patrick’s College.

It featured a stage, a projectionist room, some rudimentary sound and lighting facilities and dark, heavy curtains draped its east-facing windows.

While in recent years it was used for drama classes, its days as a venue for performances were clearly in the past.

Over the summer period of 2019-20 the College’s maintenance team set to work to bring some new life to the theatre and the results have been stunning.

Gone is the asbestos-filled projection room while the stage has been removed, the curtains dismantled, and the former yellow and maroon walls painted.

What remains now is a stunning, light-filled, wide open teaching and learning area perfect for music lessons and performances.

This hidden gem of St Patrick’s College has been restored to its former glory and now provides a glistening new home at the geographic heart of the school.

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