Invitation to OCA Christmas Lunch

Come along to our Old Boy Christmas Lunch – December 10

Following a successful Old Boys Winter Warmers Lunch in June (see photos below), St Patrick’s College’s Old Collegians Association is delighted to announce we will be holding an Old Boys Christmas Lunch in Ballarat on Tuesday, December 10.

The lunch is aimed mainly at Old Collegians, who may be retired and attended SPC between the 1940s through to 1960s, but it is an open invitation to any Old Collegians who would like to come along.

The lunch will be held at the Golden City Hotel from 12.30pm downstairs.

Bring along $20 in cash to pay for a nice hearty Christmas meal, including a toastie, dessert and a tea or a coffee.

Drinks will also be available to buy at the bar.

Please feel free to invite any other Old Boys who may enjoy a chat and a nice early Christmas lunch. We would love to see you!

We do need to know catering numbers, so if you are coming, please phone Alumni and Foundation Officer Lorrie Liston on 5322 4442 or emailĀ


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