Jobe Quick (SPC 2014-19) – Where are they now

The College recently reconnected with 2019 College Vice Captain Jobe Quick (SPC 2014-19) who is aspiring to study medicine and remembers Year 12 at SPC as among his most fulfilling periods of his life so far.

From left, Angel Carreras, Aidan Hanrahan (SPC 2014-2019 and 2019 College Captain), Tegan Burns, Jobe Quick (SPC 2014-19 and 2019 College Vice Captain)

Where has life taken you since leaving SPC?

Since graduating from SPC in 2019, I have been granted the opportunity to pursue further education at Monash University whilst staying on campus at a residential college affiliated with the university: Mannix College. I am nearing the end of my Bachelor of Biomedical Science degree and aspire to commence Graduate Entry Medicine in 2023. Although Melbourne University is where I would ideally like to complete these further studies, I would be honored to be offered a place at a number of other universities.


Do you have family ties with SPC?

I am fortunate enough to still be interlinked with the SPC community via a few family connections. Firstly, my younger brother Noah Quick is currently completing Year 10; he is a very hard-working and compassionate young man with a great deal of aspiration. I am confident these qualities will manifest in his future endeavors and will become virtues he relies upon readily. Alex Molan (Year 12) and Fraser Molan (Year 9) are first cousins of mine and are also very dedicated to whatever they set their mind to, whether that be academia, sport or otherwise.

Jobe Quick, pictured left, sitting with classmates Isaac Postlethwaite and Aidan Hanrahan at the Leavetaking Ceremony on their last day of school at SPC in 2019.

What are your fondest memories of your time at St Patrick’s College?

I can confidently say the time I spent in Year 12 at SPC was amongst the most fulfilling periods of my life. It is a year that I know every boy looks forward to as soon as they walk through the front gates on their first day. It was also a year I am incredibly grateful to have experienced in light of the COVID-19 pandemic that disrupted this experience for many of the boys in the years following. The most enriching aspect of Year 12 at SPC in my eyes is the potential to influence students in the years below. I know from my time in these younger year levels that the Year 12 cohort is admired upon and therefore bear great potential for leadership that can hopefully positively shape the values and ambitions of the boys yet to reach their final year.


Which teacher from your time at SPC had the greatest impact on you? Why?

Although I was uniquely guided through my secondary school journey by countless teachers at SPC, Art Nichols and Nathaniel Winfield are two who shaped the way I approach life. Particularly in my senior years at the school, I dedicated a proportion of my time to the social justice community. This program is one of the College’s greatest attributes and is a direct product of invaluable contributors such as Art and Nathaniel. Their gratitude and selflessness are virtues that I will forever admire and continually strive to embody in my interactions with others.

Jobe Quick, pictured left, with Mary and Chris Nolan and classmates Matthew Duffy and Aidan Hanrahan.

How has your education shaped your professional life?

Through my time at SPC, I have come to understand how invaluable a quality education is. My education thus far has fueled my ambition to establish a career founded in academia by pursuing employment in the medical field. I believe this line of work will fulfill my desire to give back to the community that has been so generous to me whilst furthering my educational repertoire.

Moreover, since mid-way through 2021 and in light of the covid-induced lockdowns, I have established a private tutoring service through which I offer several secondary school students tuition on a weekly basis. It is inspirational to see how motivated each one of my students are to strive for excellence in academia. I consider myself incredibly lucky to be able to play a part in their journey through their school life and find great happiness when a relatively difficult idea/concept resonates with one of my students through the assistance I offer.

How has your time at SPC shaped your personal values and your family life?

The teachings and life experience I extracted from SPC were fundamentally important in shaping the values I hold dear to me. When I think of my time at SPC, I think of an environment that was others-orientated, driven by compassionate teachers and eager students. As such, I attempt to replicate these aspects of the college in my own life by showing care and interest in others whilst seizing as many as possible opportunities that come my way.

I was fortunate enough to be offered a position on the Residential Advisory team at Mannix College in 2021 where I was able to exercise these values SPC have instilled in me. Through this role, I was responsible for the general wellbeing of my fellow residents at college and was often called upon for important discussions surrounding mental health, positive party behaviours, and a range of other topics. Above all else, as an RA of the college, I would attempt to make living at Mannix College a positive living experience for all where everyone felt welcome and valued. I would therefore often lean on the lessons and values learnt at SPC to successfully fulfill this role.



If you could pass on one message to the students of today, what would it be?

Like everything, your time at SPC will come to an end. Before it does, do an extra night of study for that upcoming test, make a new friend, join the social justice club, or pick up the next piece of rubbish you walk by. By doing so, you are not only doing yourself a favour but are also showing appreciation for a gift only a small handful of people are offered: education at an esteemed school such as SPC.

Jobe Quick, pictured in his Year 12 class photograph in 2019.
Jobe Quick, pictured in his BAS Athletics team photo in 2019.

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